Cockapoos with a kid

Do Cockapoos Shed? How to Reduce?

You’ve finally settled on a Cockapoo after looking for the ideal family dog for a while! Now the big question you may have is “do Cockapoos shed?”

Don’t worry, this article will give you all the information you need about your dog’s potential for shedding and what to do if it does.

Do Cockapoos Shed?

While Cockapoos are probably going to shed less than a purebred Cocker Spaniel, this is NOT a guarantee.

Cockapoos are a hybrid breed made up of both a non-shedding dog (the Poodle) and a shedding dog (the Cocker Spaniel).) Because there is a breed that sheds, your puppy may or may not be prone to shedding depending on how the genetics work out.

The amount of hair your Cockapoo puppy sheds will vary depending on a number of variables, such as the genes they inherited from each of their parents, the season, and their general health.

Although it might seem difficult, everything you need to know will be explained below, so don’t worry!

Why Do Cockapoos Shed?

Here are the four main types of Cockapoo shedding and the causes behind them.

Year-Round Cockapoo Shedding

Every mammal with fur or hair will eventually experience some degree of hair loss; the process of losing hair itself is normal.

You may have even seen stray hair in the shower or on your pillow. This kind of shedding is similar to that experienced by dogs as their hair grows.

There is no cause for alarm if your dog isn’t losing an excessive amount of hair all at once.

The hair on dog breeds like Poodles, which are known for not shedding, is constantly growing. Since the hair shafts last longer, they don’t lose their life and fall out as frequently as those of other dogs.

Poodles also lack an undercoat, which in other breeds is usually where the most shedding occurs.

Seasonal Cockapoo Shedding

You might notice a little bit more hair than usual in the spring and fall if your Cockapoo ends up shedding.

This is due to the fact that your dog’s body is already adjusting to the weather changes. In order to control their body temperature, it thickens or thins.

Another very typical process that plays a significant role in maintaining your Cockapoo’s health is this one.


When Do Cockapoos Shed Their Puppy Coat?

Any breed’s newborn puppies typically have extremely fine, brief coats that resemble a baby’s hair in texture. Even naturally fluffy dogs can be born with flat, shiny fur.

Cockapoo puppies begin to shed their fine baby hair and develop their adult coats around the time they are 5 to 12 months old.

You might notice changes in coat texture and color during this time, as well as some baby fur around the house. All dogs shed in this manner, so your Cockapoo’s initial shedding is not necessarily indicative of future shedding.

Up until they reach full adulthood, you won’t really know if your dog sheds frequently.

Health Issues

If your Cockapoo sheds a lot of hair suddenly, especially if they don’t normally, that could be a worrying sign. Inadequate nutrition, parasites, or other illnesses may be indicated by bald spots and general thinning.

A veterinarian should be consulted as soon as possible to identify the cause of this shedding, which may be accompanied by excessive scratching or licking.

Taking care of a sick dog can be difficult on an emotional level as well as financially. Even a “simple” trip to an emergency veterinarian can cost thousands of dollars!

I advise Cockapoo owners to get good pet insurance because of this. They’ll get up to 90% of these costs covered when working with a reputable business like Healthy Paws or Embrace!

You won’t ever have to worry about not being able to afford the best care for your dog thanks to a pet insurance policy.

Read more: Do Great Danes Shed A Lot? How To Minimize Shedding – Everything Pets
Do Aussiedoodles Shed? Everything You Should Know – Everything Pets
Do Dobermans Shed? Shedding Tips & Solutions – Everything Pets
Do Rottweilers Shed-Why And How To Reduce Shedding – Everything Pets
Do Yorkies Shed?-Everything You Should Know About Yorkies Shedding – Everything Pets
Do Beagles Shed? Full Guide – Everything Pets

How Much Do Cockapoos Shed?

Cockapoos won’t necessarily shed, but they won’t probably shed a lot either. An average Cockapoo sheds considerably less than a Cocker Spaniel on average because of their Poodle ancestry.

The genetics passed down from their parents almost entirely determine whether and how much your Cockapoo will shed.

Below we’ll talk about different “generations” of The likelihood that each Cockapoo will produce a shedding puppy.

Simply put, a Cockapoo’s generation is how closely related to each of its parent breeds—the Poodle and the Cocker Spaniel—it is.

F1 Cockapoos

One of the generations of Cockapoos most likely to shed is the F1 generation. They could have a coat that is more reminiscent of one breed than the other because they are theoretically 50% Poodle and 50% Cocker Spaniel.

F1 Cockapoos’ coats can resemble the soft, fluffy ones of their Poodle parent or they can be longer and heavier like their Cocker Spaniel parent. They’ll probably shed at least a little bit if it’s the latter.

When it comes to first-generation Cockapoos, it can be difficult to determine which parent they will resemble due to their 50/50 DNA. You might get a Cockapoo that resembles a poodle much more than its littermate, which resembles a cocker spaniel.

Expect at least some shedding if you choose an F1 Cockapoo. Even if it doesn’t always happen, at least you’ll be ready for it!

F1B Cockapoos

F1B Cockapoos typically have a genetic makeup more akin to a Poodle than a Cocker Spaniel. This is so because one of their parents is an F1 Cockapoo and the other is a purebred Poodle.

In essence, this results in a genetic makeup that is 25% Cocker Spaniel and 75% Poodle.

What effect will this have on shedding then? Again, there is no guarantee, but F1B Cockapoos are likely to shed less than an F1 would.

This is a good option for people with mild allergies, but those who have more severe reactions to dogs might want to keep reading to find out more about F1BB Cockapoos.

F1BB Cockapoos

F1BB Cockapoos are the closest thing to a purebred Poodle that you can usually find that isn’t one.

They are the generation of Cockapoos that are least likely to shed because, according to theory, 87.5% of their DNA is Poodle.

An F1BB is a great option if you really want this breed but are unwilling to make any concessions regarding shedding.

F2 Cockapoos

Given the wide range of possible Poodle/Cockapoo/Cocker Spaniel/Cockapoo/F2 combinations, F2 Cockapoos is somewhat of a lottery ticket when it comes to shedding.

Many breeders steer clear of F2 Cockapoos because of the high degree of variation and the difficulty in predicting traits.

If having a low or non-shedding dog is a priority for you, an F2 Cockapoo may or may not shed, but it’s not a safe bet.

F2B Cockapoos

This generation’s dogs have more Poodle DNA than Cocker Spaniel, similar to F1B Cockapoos. They, therefore, share the same likelihood of shedding with the F1B generation.

F2B Cockapoos typically have a higher likelihood of not shedding than F2 Cockapoos. But even safer bets would be the F1BB or F2BB generations.

Abnormal Shedding in Cockapoos

Set aside your annoyance for a moment and consider the possibility that your Cockapoo, who you’ve had for a while, is experiencing sudden, excessive shedding when he never did before.

A Cockapoo will shed more if they have either Cushing’s disease or hypothyroidism, which are both common conditions.

Your dog probably isn’t shedding normally if they have one of these conditions. Your Cockapoo’s fur might occasionally feel different in texture. Furthermore, you might see patches of hair falling out or an uneven thinning of the hair on its body.

Contact your veterinarian right away if you notice any of your Cockapoo’s abnormal shedding habits.

Dealing With Cockapoo Shedding

While managing shedding can be inconvenient, it need not be a catastrophe. You can take steps to prevent shedding as well as to control it when it does happen.

Feed a Nutritious Diet

Although maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for your Cockapoo’s well-being, did you know that it can also lessen shedding?

To ensure that your Cockapoo isn’t excessively shedding due to poor nutrition, feeding them a balanced, complete dog food is a great first step.

You might think about putting omega-3 fatty acids in your dog’s food because some studies have found that they can support healthy hair growth in dogs. The bottom line is that you should never change your dog’s diet by adding new vitamins or supplements without first talking to your veterinarian.

Water is important for all animals, including cockapoos. Healthy coats and a decreased risk of skin conditions that might worsen shedding are both products of proper hydration.

A good rule of thumb is that your Cockapoo should consume about one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day.

Bathe & Brush Regularly

Cockapoos bath

However, only use baths when absolutely necessary to reduce shedding.

Your dog should be able to maintain a great appearance and scent with just a monthly bath. On the other hand, bathing your dog too frequently can dry out its skin and lead to the opposite issue!

Regular grooming will loosen dead hair, allowing you to remove it all at once rather than scattering it around your home.

Regular grooming also promotes comfort for your dog and prevents matting in curly breeds like the Cockapoo. At least once per week, brushing is recommended.

Choose the Right Grooming Equipment

Three essential tools—a slicker brush, a de-shedding tool, and a hydrating, de-shedding shampoo—are necessary if your Cockapoo sheds. Keep them on hand.

Buy a Vacuum Designed for Pet Hair

A good vacuum is yet another fantastic item to keep on hand at all times for managing shedding.

When getting a dog, you should make sure you have a vacuum that can handle pet hair and dander even though almost every homeowner has one. Check out these great options you can find on Amazon:

Invest in An Air Purifier

An undervalued but excellent purchase for pet owners is an air purifier. These are especially useful if you have mild allergies because they can purify and filter the air to lessen your symptoms.

Grooming Recommendations to Reduce Cockapoo Shedding

Regardless of how much it sheds, it’s crucial to regularly groom your Cockapoo. The amount of hair in your home will be reduced if your Cockapoo is a frequent groomer, though, as they can shed quite a bit.

Cockapoo hair mats easily because of its curly or wavy texture. Therefore, you should make it a practice to brush your dog as follows:

  • At least twice per week if they have wavy hair
  • At least three times per week if they have curly hair

Bathing your Cockapoo will also assist in removing loose hair and hair that became tangled in its curls. As human soap and detergents can irritate your dog’s skin, make sure to choose a shampoo designed for canines.

Haircutting is a crucial factor to take into account when grooming a Cockapoo. When doing this, it’s frequently easiest to take your dog to a groomer because it can get messy if you don’t have a suitable area.

Even though cutting your Cockapoo’s hair won’t stop him from shedding, it will make it simpler to remove the hair when it does.

Final Thoughts

So now you know the complete answer to the question, “do Cockapoos shed?”

While you cannot guarantee that your Cockapoo won’t shed, you can improve your chances by picking the right generation for your family.

All of the techniques we’ve listed here can ensure that shedding is kept to a minimum if you end up with a Cockapoo that sheds. You can live in harmony with your new fluffy family member in this way!


Are Cockapoos Really Hypoallergenic?

The cockapoo is a great choice if you want a family dog that is friendly and good with people who have allergies. This mixed-breed dog is known for its amicable nature and is hypoallergenic (provided you go with a reputable breeder).

What Problems Do Cockapoos Have?

Although possibly at a lower rate than purebred dogs, cockapoos are susceptible to the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle’s health issues. These include many different eye disorders including cataracts and glaucoma, as well as painful defects of the hips and knees.

Do Cockapoos Smell?

Another characteristic that generally applies to most cockapoos is that they don’t tend to produce a strong odor and don’t need to be bathed often. While their coats don’t need to be cut like a poodle’s, they still need to be brushed frequently to avoid matting and get rid of any debris that might get tangled in their fur.

Are Cockapoos Good House Dogs?

Cockapoos are generally very friendly and regarded as being good with children, making them a good family pet. They are known to flourish in a family setting with lots of care, socialization, and training.