does beagle shed

Do Beagles Shed? Full Guide

A small hound dog breed originally bred for hunting, beagles are. They are a friendly, active breed that needs a lot of exercises. They are very tough, and they bark in a distinctive baying manner. They have a medium-length, smooth coat that sheds on average. Though all beagles will experience periods of increased shedding, like any breed, some are more prone to it than others.

Although the Beagle may not have the fluffiest coat or the longest hair, they do shed a lot. He sheds a little bit throughout the year and a lot during the two shedding seasons. Beagles shed a lot more than you’d expect for a medium-sized, short-haired dog breed! Let’s look at why Beagles shed so much and how to minimize it.

Do Beagles Shed?

Yes, despite being categorized as moderate shedders, beagles shed a lot more than people initially think. The beagle’s short coat can be misleading, leading you to believe that it is a superior breed to others (like the Labrador).

Knowing the facts about beagle shedding is crucial because it can be a key consideration when selecting a dog breed.

Reasons Why Beagles Shed

The Beagle, like almost all dogs, will shed to some degree. Except for choosing a breed of hairless dog, there isn’t much you can do about it. Even so, not all “hairless” dogs will be completely hairless.

Beagles are not hypoallergenic like the They are not at all Maltese. Beagles have a reputation for having a moderate to heavy shedding pattern. But why do Beagles shed more than other breeds of dogs? Continue reading to discover 6 causes of shedding.

The Beagles’ Dense Hunting Coat Will Shed

Beagles were bred specifically to hunt, did you know that? With their extraordinary noses, they would specifically find games for their humans. These animals have some of the most talented noses ever, thanks to their 220 million scent receptors.

However, because Beagles were once widely used as hunting companions, they needed to be in the wild, where there are bushes, shrubs, twigs, and other obstacles. These dogs were bred to have thick, coarse coats as a result.

The Beagle is shielded from such elements by this kind of coat. For hunting hounds, having such thick coats is practically necessary. All hunting dogs as well as other breeds used in outdoor work environments are known to have double coats.

Only with these kinds of double coats is it possible for the Beagle’s coat to also be waterproof and weatherproof. These dogs had to be prepared to go out and find their prey in any weather, rain or shine.

Additionally, while having two coats helps when hunting, it also means that they have more fur to lose. Don’t let the fact that Beagles have short coats fool you; there is still plenty of fur and hair to shed. I assure you that there is enough fur for everyone.

The Beagle’s Coat Is Made For Cold Climate

England is where beagles first appeared. Furthermore, Great Britain is not at all like a paradise in the tropics if you’ve ever been there. Contrary to popular belief, the harsh winter season sees temperatures plummet to a startling zero degrees Celsius.

Beagles need a coat that keeps them warm because they are hunting dogs and spend the majority of their time (multiple hours per day) in the wilderness.

Dogs with thicker coats and more hair are much better insulators. Even though a Beagle’s coat is short, the dog’s body heat is effectively trapped by the dense fur, keeping it warm during the coldest months.

Once more, a dense and thick coat translates to more hair on the dog, which could mean more opportunity for shedding. However, Beagle Paws Rescue suggests that the Beagle’s coat isn’t made to protect them from super harsh cold conditions.

If a beagle is left outside in a harsh climate without adequate shelter, they run the risk of developing hypothermia, frostbite, and other potentially fatal conditions. So be sure to keep them inside if you live somewhere with below-freezing temperatures!

The Beagle’s Double Coat Has Twice The Shedding

Beagles have two coats, whereas the majority of dog breeds only have one. What is a double coat, and what does shedding have to do with it? A dog coat with two layers of fur is what is meant by the term “double coat” (plural “double coat”).

Your Beagle is protected from the environment by multiple layers, each with a specific function. The bottom layer of fur, known as the undercoat, has a somewhat wool-like texture. In fact, it performs the same function as wool in keeping the Beagle warm and insulating.

The top coat, the second layer of fur, serves as an outer layer of defense against dangerous elements like rocks, twigs, dirt, and other debris. The Beagle’s coat is waterproof because of this coat, too!

The issue with double coats is that more shedding is usually associated with them. Almost all double-coated dog breeds are regarded as moderate to heavy shedders. Beagles are unfortunately not an exception.

Additionally, when the right time of year comes around, double-coated dogs are infamous for shedding a lot. You guessed it—more shedding (and grooming for you)—because their coats are constantly changing to match the season!

does beagle shed

There Can Be Seasonal Shedding In Beagles

Every other dog breed, with the exception of those that are hypoallergenic and have no hair, sheds during the seasonal change. Some people are more so than others. Beagles, though, fall into the “more” category because of their thick coats.

Seasonal shedding is a common occurrence in most dogs, but it is more obvious in double-coated breeds like Beagles. But why is that so?

Your Beagle will begin shedding its thick, heavy winter coat in the spring in order to get ready for the summer. This makes sense to keep the dog cool since it was much warmer back then. A lighter summer coat develops during this time.

Similar to how humans must shed our summer coats to grow new, thicker ones, Beagles must do the same when fall or autumn arrives. A thick coat is necessary because this time of year is known for its colder temperatures. This is how a Beagle sheds.

In the dog community, we call this process a “coat blow” or “blowing their coats.” And it’s not unusual for your Beagle to shed excessively during this time.

For new and unprepared owners, this shedding period may be a little unsettling, but take comfort in knowing that it’s normal. You can anticipate clumps of fur to come off your Beagle immediately rather than single, individual hair strands. And that’s okay!

Poor Dog Grooming Products Lead To Shedding

You should choose high-quality products for grooming. When we last took our Corgi to a new dog groomer, she returned covered in fur — even though it wasn’t yet shedding season!).

Using human shampoo on dogs and purchasing extremely cheap dog shampoo are two mistakes that many inexperienced owners make. Both of which may be harmful to the skin and coat of the dog.

First off, it is almost always going to cause your Beagle health issues if you use human shampoo on him. In actuality, both skin irritation and excessive shedding may result from this.

Human skin has a pH balance of roughly 5.5, according to the American Kennel Club. Dog skin, on the other hand, has a pH range of 6.2 to 7.4, making it more neutral. Thus, using human shampoo disrupts the dog’s acid mantle.

Your dog may develop dry, flaky skin, scratch, and lose patches of fur as a result. Additionally, it could leave your dog open to various bacteria and viruses. Despite some claims to the contrary, why take a chance?

On your Beagle, using inexpensive dog shampoo might have a similar outcome. Always choose a product from a reputable company (we have some recommendations later in the article). And if you can, we suggest going with “all-natural” shampoos.

Malnutrition Can Lead To Shedding

Inadequate nutrition can cause health issues in dogs, just like it can in humans. Dog health issues can manifest as lethargy, weight loss, medical conditions, and yes, even excessive shedding.

Roy Cruzen, DVM claims that a dog’s poor diet is the main cause of excessive shedding. Remember that this does not imply that they are not receiving enough food. They’re not getting enough nutrients, which is more likely the cause.

Cruzen says “even though the food meets the minimum quality requirements, it may not have enough protein or nutrients for your pet.” While you don’t have to buy the most expensive food, you should also avoid sacrificing quality.

He believes that a portion of high-quality dog food should cost about $4 per pound. According to Pete Lands, DVM, owners who feed their dogs a gluten-free diet can also result in significant shedding in addition to poor food quality.

He added, “there are few [dog] breeds that are gluten intolerant.” Therefore, be sure to feed your dog high-quality food. But if they continue to shed excessively, you should speak with your veterinarian.

How Frequently Do Beagles Shed?

does beagle shed

Even dog lovers frequently are unaware that the Beagle comes in two sizes. Aside from their size difference, the standard size and the pocket size are essentially identical. also the frequency of their sheds. Sorry, small Beagle owners—you’re out of luck.

Every day of the year, Beagles molt, and they molt moderately. They shed heavily during the shedding season, losing their entire coat in a matter of weeks. You should set aside time to groom him several times a week, at the very least, as he sheds medium to heavy. Especially during the annoying shedding seasons.

How Much Do Beagles Shed?

When compared to other medium-sized, short-haired breeds, beagles shed more than most of the other medium-sized breeds. Being highly visible against a variety of colors of clothing and fabrics does not help with the perception of how much beagles shed.

Additionally, because of their short, prickly, coarse hair, they are ideal for permanently encrusting your favorite cashmere sweaters with themselves. In fact, we estimate that a beagle would shed enough dog hair annually to make about six sweaters.

When Do Beagles Normally Shed?

In the spring and winter, there are periods of shedding. He will put away his summer coat at the start of winter and replace it with his robust winter coat. He will discard his winter coat in the spring and choose a lightweight jacket to keep him cool during the warmer months.

The Beagle has medium-length hair, as opposed to breeds with longer hair. As a result, his hair will not be as noticeable as that of a Siberian Husky or a Pug, which have the highest density of fur per square inch of any breed of dog.

But ultimately, your house and outfits will never be hair-free. I am so sorry to let you down!

Some people will refer to this time as the season when he “blows his coat.”‘ Simply put, this indicates that the wind is nearly able to rip his coat off. This is a lot, so if you’ve never had a dog that blows his jacket, trust us. And if a Beagle is about to enter your life, you’ll soon see it for yourself.

How To Take Care Of Your Beagle’s Shedding?

Brushing The Beagle

One of the simplest and easiest ways to keep their shedding in check is with a coat brushing routine. It doesn’t take that much time to do but can save you time in cleaning up shed fur from around the house.

You’ll want to brush your Beagle at least once a week. In addition, you might want to switch to brushing them at least twice a week during the shedding season. Because it largely depends on your particular dog, it’s challenging to have a strict rule.

Deshedding Products

You need the appropriate tools for the job if you want to get the most out of brushing him. There are numerous brush and grooming tool varieties, but not all of them are suitable for every dog or coat. We advise giving the Beagle one daily brush and one de-shedding tool.

The Beagle’s coat will be best suited to a pin or a slicker brush. You will use this brush throughout the entire year. It will gently brush through any dead hair and maintain his coat’s healthy, glossy appearance.

You’ll also require a de-shedding tool during the shedding season. Through the top layer, de-shedding tools gently rake the undercoat to remove dead skin. This will aid his undercoat in getting rid of the jacket from last season. Use the regular brush to remove the extra hair that has been removed after you have raked him over.

Bathing A Beagle

does beagle shed

Your Beagle must take frequent baths. However, you don’t want to bathe them too often. According to Pet Care RX, you’ll want to bathe them every two to six months depending on how often they play outside and how dirty they get.

Giving your dog too many baths can strip away all the natural oils of the coat that help protect the dog’s skin. Additionally, it might cause the coat to lose its natural gloss and shine.

If you suspect that your Beagle has a skin condition that needs regular treatment, your vet will likely suggest a medicated shampoo. Put his medical needs before your desire to limit his shedding, regardless of the shampoo you choose.


Few people are aware that the Beagle’s shedding can be reduced with the right diet. He can maintain good health and care for his skin and coat by eating a high-quality, well-balanced diet. Always feed your dog with the best food you can. Giving your Beagle puppy the best diet possible will give him and his coat the best chance for long and healthy life.

A high-quality kibble will ensure that your Beagle’s body is supplied with plenty of omega fatty acids. His skin and coat, as well as the majority of his body parts, depending on these. Furthermore, as you are already aware, a healthy coat will control its own shedding in the best possible way—not excessively.

Omega fat ingredients to look for in kibble are fish, fish oil, flaxseed, and egg products. To take it a step further, search for micro-ingredients like vitamin E, folic acid, and biotin as these will promote a healthy coat as well.


You must make sure your Beagle receives enough omega fatty acids from another source if his diet doesn’t provide enough of them while he is on it. And this is where omega fatty acid supplements come in.

These supplements will not only take care of his skin and coat and lessen shedding, but they are also helpful in other ways. The most well-liked supplement is fish oil, which is available as an oil or pill.

Should I Shave My Beagle?

Shaving your Beagle is not something I would recommend as a method of dealing with all the shedding. Many owners do it, but doing so could eventually harm your Beagle’s coat.

Shaving is a temporary solution. You’ll observe that new hair begins to grow almost right away after shaving your Beagle. However, the top coat grows much more slowly and you’ll soon see guard hairs mixed in with the fluff of the undercoat.

The double coat may regrow, but there’s a good chance it won’t do so in the same manner, claims Dogs Naturally. In fact, regardless of what you do, the coat’s texture won’t feel the same as it once did.

If shaved, the Beagle’s double coat may eventually grow out to be a more velcro-like, sticky coat. As a result, whenever your Beagle plays in the backyard, the dog may bring back twigs and other debris that need to be brushed out.

For this reason, it’s simply not worth shaving your Beagle to “save some time” and hassle. Over time, your dog will be stuck with a coat that is less effective than it was designed to be at shielding them from the elements.