Do Rottweilers Shed-Why And How To Reduce Shedding

The shedding of Rottweilers is generally moderate, though it can vary seasonally. Rotties blow their coats twice a year in anticipation of a change in weather because they have two coats. However, other factors like nutrition, allergies, living situation, and how they were bred, may affect a Shedding is Rottweiler.

Reasons Why Rottweilers Shed

Nearly all dog breeds shed – Rottweilers are no exception. Although hypoallergenic dogs shed less, they still lose hair like humans. Furthermore, you must invest a lot of time in skincare even if you choose to adopt one of these hairless dogs.

As previously stated, Rottweilers are moderate shedders who occasionally become heavy shedders in the spring and fall. But why do they shed more than other dog breeds? Therefore, you won’t be surprised that they will shed; this is why.


Double Coats & Seasonal Shedding

Rottweilers have short double coats, as opposed to single coats. It’s not a terribly difficult concept to grasp – it just means they have two layers of fur. The opportunity to shed hair is doubled, though, when there is double the fur.

The first layer of the Rottweiler’s coat is called the undercoat, which refers to a dense and short layer that almost mimics wool. You will understand what I mean if you stick your fingers deep inside their coat. Additionally, it is intended to provide effective insulation, just like your wool coat!

Above the undercoat sits the top coat, which is a layer of hairs developed for protecting the dog from external elements. The majority of working dogs, like Rottweilers, have this added layer of defense because they spend so much time outside.Time of the year gain! They will still shedout whether they are inside or outside.

But the real reason why double-coated dogs shed so much is because of the coat-blowing season. That’s when Rottweilers shave off their coats to get ready for a sometimes-dramatic change in the weather.

Your Rottweiler needs a thicker coat of fur in the winter because it gets colder outside. They do, however, lose that coat in the spring as they get ready for the hotter summer months. Similar to how they do it in the fall, they will slough off their thinner summer coats to develop their thicker winter ones.

As it differs significantly from regular daily shedding, you’ll be able to tell when your Rottie is experiencing coat blowing. Instead of individual strands falling, Rotties will typically see clumps of hair falling out. Do not panic; this is entirely normal.

Rottweilers Were Bred For Coldness

German breed of dog called a Rottweiler. Even though the home of beer and bratwurst can experience mild summer temperatures, the winters can be chilly. In fact, it’s not uncommon for temperatures to drop below -1 degrees Celsius.

Combine this with the fact that Rottweilers were mainly outdoor dogs, bred for driving cattle and pulling carts, these dogs needed protection. As such, Rotties were bred with a thicker fur coat, capable of withstanding harsh temperatures.

It’s not unusual to see more fur on working dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors in a colder climates. For instance, Siberian Huskies were developed so they could pull sleds in some of the world’s coldest climates. Huskies also have double coats with even more fur than Rotties.

If Rottweilers had been bred to have, say, the coat of a Chihuahua, they would be simply too cold and not be as effective on the field. Either way, we still don’t recommend leaving your Rottie outside in a polar vortex.

Outdoor Or Indoor Rottie Makes A Difference

You might notice alterations in the Rottweiler’s shedding routine depending on whether you keep him inside or outside. Because modern Rottweilers are frequently used as guard dogs, many owners keep their dogs outdoors.

Sunlight, however, has a significant impact on how frequently your Rottweiler sheds if you keep him outside. A Rottie’s coat is smarter than you think. And by that, I mean the coat is a highly sophisticated insulation system that adapts to various factors.

According to The Nest, the two main signals are daylight and temperature. And as we’ve already mentioned, this is the cause of seasonal shedding. However, this implies that outdoor dogs may be more likely to blow their coats in response to the weather.

On the other hand, indoor Rottweilers that are exposed to consistent artificial lighting and controlled temperatures may have an atypical shedding cycle. Instead, indoor dogs tend to have more consistent shedding year-round, comparatively.

In contrast to indoor dogs, which may shed more heavily all year long, outdoor Rottweilers may shed more heavily twice a year. However, there’s no guarantee that indoor dogs won’t experience coat blowing to a lesser degree.

Malnutrition Leads To Excessive Shedding

The dogs known as Rottweilers are strong and hardy. So, in order to maintain their active and healthy lifestyle, they require the appropriate diet. But did you know that your Rottweiler may shed excessively if they don’t get the nutrition they require?

According to Pets WebMD, proper nutrition is sometimes the key to preventing excessive shedding in dogs. Discount kibbles frequently lack adequate nutrition, even though commercial pet food manufacturers may have complied with the bare minimum requirements

Your Rottweiler’s diet should consist of six basic nutrients: vitamins, proteins, fats, minerals, carbs, and water. Unfortunately, dogs aren’t given enough by way of cheap dog food. When shopping for food, try to spend around $4 per pound of food.

Things can be tricky, as two dog foods that contain 27% protein can differ in digestibility. They purposely make it difficult to differentiate by consumers. However, dog foods that list corn as the first ingredient tend to be of higher quality compared to those that list meat.

According to VCA Hospitals, the reason for this is that ingredients such as meat will contain a lot of water. As a result, a lot of the ingredient is lost during the kibbles’ processing. Therefore, speak with your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

The Rottweiler’s Size

Rottweilers are not small dogs by any means. Instead, they are categorized as a large dog breed. Additionally, there will undoubtedly be more opportunities for shed fur given the Rottie’s enormous size.

Rottweilers can weigh between 77 and 110 lbs for an adult female and 110 and 130 lbs for an adult male. Just as impressive, these big dogs can stand as tall as 27 inches depending on genetics and gender. The dog has a lot of surface area.

For example, Great Danes are relatively low-shedding dogs. But because Great Danes are the biggest purebred dogs in the world, they’re classified as moderate to heavy shedders. Simply put, there are too many dogs to avoid regular coat maintenance.


How Exactly Does Shedding Work?

All dogs, including Rottweilers, go through a hair growth and shedding cycle. This cycle has four phases:

  • The Anagen Stage: When the hair grows, this is the stage of expansion. This stage in Rotties is not very long.
  • The Catagen Stage: When all of the hair reaches full maturity and stops growing, this is the regression stage.
  • The Telogen Stage: It’s a little trickier at this stage. The new coat will start to fill in as the old hair reaches the end of its life and starts to deteriorate.
  • The Exogen Stage: A process known as shedding occurs at this point in the cycle when all of the old, dead hair has been completely replaced by the new hair.

This cycle continues throughout the year, but with the onset of spring and fall, it will be more pronounced.

You’ll probably notice your Rottie shedding the most during that time. Your Rottweiler’s cycle can actually be detected if you pay close attention, so get your brush and lint roller ready.

How To Reduce Your Rottweiler’s Shedding

Rotties always shed some fur due to the structure of their coats, especially in the spring and fall.

However, there are some things you can do to lessen the harm!

1. Brush Your Rottie On A Consistent Basis

For the majority of the year, you can control shedding by giving your Rottweiler a soft brushing once a week. You should increase the frequency of brushing, though, when the Rottweiler shedding season begins (spring and fall) and they begin to blow their coat. To keep up with the shedding, it might be best in some situations to brush every day.

Brushing will help get rid of all the loose hair and can especially make a difference in the undercoat where hair can really build up and “get stuck”. Make sure you brush outside to prevent any loose hair from getting inside your home. The combination of time spent outside and a thorough brushing will probably be a favorite for your Rottweiler as well!

You can use a variety of brushes when brushing your Rottie to get the best results, but not all brushes are created equal!

I suggest starting with a rubber curry brush or a “shedding brush” as it’s sometimes called. During those times when there is a lot of hair loss, this kind of brush is very helpful because it has soft rubber teeth that will help remove the old, dead hair that is just waiting to be shed.

2. Give Your Rottweiler A Bath Frequently.

The amount of activity and the environment your Rottweiler is exposed to will typically determine how frequently they need a bath. If your Rottweiler spends a lot of time outside, likes to roll around in the mud, or enjoys digging holes, he’ll need a bath fairly frequently.

But during the shedding season, you might want to give a Rottweiler who is already clean a bath just to catch up on the hair!

Avoid bathing your dog too frequently, though, as this can dry out the skin and coat of your Rottweiler and cause the hair to become brittle. Damaged, brittle hair is more likely to break and fall out which means even more shedding in your house!

Generally speaking, you can give your Rottweiler a bath every four to six weeks. Use a good, mild dog shampoo if you plan to bathe your Rottweiler more frequently than that.

3. Make Sure Your Rottie Is Eating A Healthy Diet

The diet of dogs has a significant impact on their coats. Dry skin, brittle hair, and even more shedding can be caused by an unbalanced diet or some other nutritional deficiency. Age, weight, and activity level all affect how much food your Rottweiler consumes. The best source of information will always be your veterinarian, but if you need assistance finding the ideal food, you can look at some of our reviews of Rottweiler-specific foods.

Typically, Rottweilers need a diet high in protein and a variety of micronutrients. Furthermore, omega-6 fatty acids can enhance the health of the entire coat, which will lessen shedding. According to veterinarian Dawn Logas omega-6, fatty acids can “be helpful just to give a shine to the coat, add some luster back, and help replace the oils in the skin.”

4. Keep Your Rottweiler Hydrated

Hydration is something that’s frequently disregarded when it comes to managing shedding, despite the fact that it’s closely related to diet. According to AKC Pet Insurance, “The amount of loose fur you have to clean up around your house can increase if your skin is dehydrated, which is a major contributor to hair loss.”

But how much water is enough?

According to Fetch (a division of WebMD), a 100-pound Rottweiler should drink 12 and a half cups of water per day. So keep an eye on how much your Rottweiler is drinking, especially when it’s shedding season because our large dogs actually need a lot of water!

5. Reduce Stress And Anxiety

When it comes to your Rottie’s excessive shedding, stress can be a major contributing factor.

But managing stress can be challenging.

Many puppies experience some degree of separation anxiety, even though we may not think that our brave Rottweilers are feeling particularly stressed in their incredibly loving home. As they wait for you to get home, these dogs might dander more.

This ASPCA resource can help you learn more about separation anxiety because it’s a complicated problem. However, adding in some distractions can go a long way if you’re concerned that your dog has a mild case of separation anxiety or some other type of anxiety. If you don’t already have one, a Kong toy can be a great distraction for most dogs. Just stuff some of their preferred treat—or even some kibble—inside, and let them get to work. Simply click here to purchase a Kong from Amazon.

Getting your Rottweiler outside to relieve itself outside (instead of on your couch) is another excellent way to manage stress. It’s hard to be anxious when your Rottie is physically and mentally tired!

6. Create A Safe Space For Hair

Okay, this isn’t exactly going to reduce your The shedding of a Rottweiler will make your home a little less hairy, though.

Ensure that your Rottweiler has a cozy spot to lounge and rest that is not in the living space. Naturally, Rottweilers frequently like to be in the middle of things, so they don’t have to spend all of their time there, but this can really matter when it comes to heavy shedding and coat-blowing season.

When Should I See A Vet For Excessive Shedding?

Shedding in your Rottweiler is normal. However, I can understand how alarming it can be if your dog starts to excessively shed out of nowhere. So, when should you take your pet to the neighborhood vet?

There’s a big difference between “fur loss” and “shedding.” For instance, if your Rottweiler is shedding large patches of fur outside of the normal season, there may be a medical issue that needs to be treated right away by a professional.

Excessive shedding can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, including infections and Cushing’s disease. In some circumstances, your Rottweiler may even have hypothyroidism or have experienced trauma to a particular body part.

Skin conditions can occasionally develop at the same time as shedding. If the following skin symptoms last for more than a week, it’s important you consult with your vet:

  • Skin irritation (rashes, bumps, or redness)
  • Open sores on Rottie’s body
  • Bald spots or coat thinning in a specific region
  • Huge decrease in shine on the coat, dry hairs
  • Abnormal or excessive scratching with your Rottie
  • Constant foot licking or biting (often to scratch an itch)

It’s even more crucial to pay attention to the dog’s behavior if you suspect your Rottweiler is experiencing unusual shedding. Be cautious at all times, and never hesitate to go to the veterinarian!

Dealing With Rottweiler Shedding

Rottweilers aren’t too difficult to handle for typical shedding. However, it’s important that they receive at least basic grooming to maintain a healthy coat. The majority of the time, this just entails taking regular baths and brushes.

Brushing Rottweilers

The coat of a Rottweiler is fairly easy to brush because it’s a short double coat. The hair isn’t too long or too thin. In other words, their coats have a very hard time matting (getting tangled).


Don’t Shave Your Rottweiler

Never shave or clip your Rottweiler’s coat, regardless of the approach you take to reduce hair loss. Rotties have double-layered coats, so shaving or excessive clipping disturbs the natural protection the coat is supposed to provide.

A Rottweiler could possibly experience some issues as its coat grows back in after a shaving-clipping episode. It might change in appearance, and it might even take on a patchwork appearance. Considering that the undercoat will probably regrow thicker, it could also cause heavier shedding.