
When Do Puppies Start Barking? (Ways to Stop It)

A puppy will make all kinds of amusing noises when you first adopt them. The barking skills of other puppies may never develop because they can be incredibly quiet. The timeframe when puppies begin barking, however, is listed below as a generalization.

Here is more information on what to anticipate from your puppy’s voice. Related information, such as the age at which puppies can begin to bark at strangers, is provided further down the page.

When Do Puppies Bark for the First Time?

It’s exciting to hear a child say his first words and exciting to hear a puppy bark for the first time.

Puppies gradually learn to bark rather than starting to do so the moment they are born. The puppy gradually broadens his vocalization repertoire as he matures, starting with yelps and whines.

In most cases, the first barks appear between 2 and 4 weeks of age. It’s interesting how quickly the process moves along.

Indeed, according to veterinary behaviorist Dr., most puppies exhibit startle behavior when they issue their first bark as if they weren’t expecting it. Bonnie V. Beaver in the book: “Canine Behavior – E-Book, Insights, and Answers.”

Types of Puppy Barking

When puppies first begin to explore their surroundings and engage in more social interaction with their littermates, they will bark for the first time.

In fact, their initial barks are intended to entice play.

By the age of four months (12 weeks), the first aggressive barks may start to protect food or be directed at other dogs, but most likely they are more of an announcement of presence than a true warning.

Different tones convey various emotions, with the higher tones being connected to play and greetings and the lower tones frequently being used as threats.

Why Dogs Bark

A dog can communicate by barking. Puppy barking can be used for a variety of purposes, such as communicating excitement during play or informing you of something, such as the need to use the restroom outside or the desire for you to serve her dinner more quickly. When you are holding a desired toy just out of reach, she might bark in anticipation. Puppies also quickly discover that barking gets them attention from people in their immediate vicinity, such as treats or petting. However, be careful not to encourage attention-seeking barking because it can develop into a lifelong bad habit.

Other dogs, dogs can pick up the barking habit. There’s a good chance that your puppy will bark when the doorbell rings if your older dog does. Additionally, your puppy can pick up the neighborhood dogs’ barking habits. Have you ever noticed how one dog’s barking can encourage other dogs on the block to join in? A puppy may start barking even if they see a dog on television or a person acting like they are barking. Your puppy might also bark or howl in response to certain noises, such as sirens or even loud music.

Your puppy may bark at anything foreign, including people and noises, during the socialization phase, which lasts from roughly 6 to 12 weeks of age. At a later time, beginning at around four to six months of age, your puppy might repeat this behavior. Your puppy may start barking to scare away intruders or alert you when someone is approaching your house as she grows accustomed to her environment and exhibits territorial behavior.

dog bark

How to Control a Dog’s Barking

Knowing what initially set off our dog’s excessive barking will help us stop it. We might be able to tell what’s wrong and calm them down when we’re right next to them. However, some dogs only bark when they are alone, a behavior that may also include property destruction. The barking starts whenever we leave them for any length of time; sometimes it doesn’t stop until we get back. This is known as separation anxiety. increasing the amount of time you spend with them, removing stressors, improving their surroundings, and providing mental stimulation.

The presence of strangers could be another reason why puppies bark excessively. When we have a visitor, their enthusiasm leads to barking at the door or at the sound of a doorbell. In this case, the barking frequently indicates the close relationship you two have. They perceive the visitor as a potential threat and are attempting to warn us of it. In addition, they might merely be anticipating a new visitor and be thrilled. Obedience training is crucial because of these kinds of reactions. Barking can be made less of an annoyance by telling them to sit and encouraging tranquil behavior.

An issue with territoriality may also be present when a dog barks at strangers. In the worst cases, this may result in aggressive behavior. Prior to a solution being found, it is imperative to limit visitors. We need to first take them to the vet to confirm there is no underlying medical problem. To help in changing their behavior patterns, a canine behavior expert will then need to be contacted. It might also be helpful in these circumstances to spay or neuter the dog.

When a dog cannot get what they want, it may also bark ferociously. When a dog wants to suckle from its mother’s breast, a puppy will initially bark, but adult dogs will also do the same. Remove it from their line of sight if it’s something the dog isn’t allowed to have. The possessiveness a dog may exhibit toward particular items is unhealthy. Usually, they act in this manner because they lack confidence in their financial situation. Possessiveness in dogs can be fought by finding a way to reassure the person.

It is simpler to stop excessive barking if we intervene early on rather than after it has intensified. Using the word ‘no’ can be counterproductive because they don’t always know with what they should be associating the word. Barking is a problem, and scowling can make it worse.

The reason why a dog or puppy is barking may occasionally be impossible to ascertain. This is due to the fact that they are barking in response to stimuli that are invisible to us. However, we still need to make an effort to discover it or, at the very least, to divert attention and maintain calm when it occurs. A phobia of certain objects can also trigger excessive barking. We must fix this since it is typically the result of inadequate socialization during the puppy stage.

It’s crucial to maintain your composure if a dog on the street barks at passersby. We ought to stop and tell them to sit still instead of yanking on the strap and berating them. Congratulate them or provide a treat when they obey. Behavioral modification sessions will need to be conducted in more severe situations where the dog is aggressive, following a general medical checkup at the vet. We need to consider the puppy’s developmental trajectory because a puppy going outside for the first time is probably just barking out of excitement.


When Do Puppies Start Barking at Strangers?

Puppies can begin barking at strangers as soon as they develop a louder voice and want to alert you to things, which means it may begin as early as 8 weeks old.

One of the many ways that puppies communicate with their bark is by barking when they are alert. The majority of you will have firsthand experience with this since a puppy frequently uses this as their main method of informing you when a stranger is outside the house or at the door.

Unfortunately, this type of barking is the most likely to cause problems because some dogs will continuously bark rather than occasionally.

The postman knocking or the neighborhood cat walking through the garden, for example, can also cause alert barking.

Alert barking, however, can be a very helpful tool in ensuring the safety of you and your family when properly trained.

As an invitation to play, puppies will also bark for other reasons. This takes the form of a high-pitched bark repeated several times and will be coupled alongside friendly body language: like tail wagging, tongue lolling, and the classic “butt up in the air” pose.

Dogs can also express excitement through barking, such as when their owner returns from work or when they interact with other dogs.

Barking is additionally frequently employed as a greeting. Even if they are currently across the street from them, many dogs will act in this way when they see another dog they are familiar with.

To some owners, this may appear aggressive, but in reality, it’s usually just a dog’s way of greeting someone or alerting other dogs to their presence.

Why Do Puppies Bark in Their Sleep?

Your puppy may have been barking while it slept, too. You shouldn’t be concerned because this behavior is entirely normal. When they do this, it can be tempting to wake them up, but just like humans, dogs dream, and these dreams frequently involve movements and noises.

Puppies, for instance, may yawn, growl, or whine while they are sleeping in addition to barking. They might also shake, twitch their ears, or mimic running with their legs.

Contrary to popular belief, smaller breeds of dogs tend to bark more often while they are sleeping than larger breeds. Larger breeds dream more frequently—every 90 minutes compared to smaller breeds’ roughly every 10.

However, both breeds’ puppies and older dogs will dream a lot more than their adult counterparts do.

The REM cycle, a stage of sleep only experienced by humans and other mammals (as well as birds), is when a dog begins to bark.

Puppy dreams are exclusively the result of REM sleep, which is distinguished by rapid and erratic eye movements.

However, puppies enter REM sleep more frequently than humans do, which makes them dream more frequently than we do.

Why is My Dog Not Barking?

Despite the fact that all dogs will occasionally bark, not all dogs will do so to the same extent. Some of this can be attributed to breeds that are genetically less inclined to do so. There may not be a problem if a dog barks more or less than other dogs you know. It is also important to remember it can take a while for a puppy to develop its barking skills, so don’t worry if they are very young.

In extremely rare circumstances, a dog will utter fewer barks than usual. The age factor is one of the main causes of this. A dog’s general lack of enthusiasm increases with age, and this can be seen in how little it barks. In addition, when they are ill, dogs may stop barking. Inflammation caused by laryngitis can lead to a dog not barking as much, but certain diseases can deplete their energy to the point that even barking is difficult. If there is any doubt regarding their health, it is crucial to look for additional symptoms and take them to the vet.

Finally, it may also be possible the dog needs time to feel uncomfortable. A dog, whether a puppy or an adult, will need some time to adjust to its new surroundings once it has been adopted into your family. Additionally, some dogs who have experienced abuse, abandonment, or other trauma may require more time to express themselves correctly in a new setting. Barking should resume once they have gotten used to it.

Do 8-week-old Puppies Bark?

Puppies may start barking, sometimes as early as 6 weeks, once they have reached the age of 8 weeks and have gained more vocalization experience. These barks will be much higher and much shriller than those of an adult dog.

When Does a Puppy’s Bark Get Deeper?

In reality, the majority of puppies’ first barks will sound more like yelps than anything else. Even big breeds like Mastiffs, German Shepherds, and Labradors can attest to this.

But eventually, as their vocal cords get stronger, they’ll start to bark more as adult dogs do.


The majority of puppies start to bark around the age of 8 weeks, to summarize. Some can develop into severe barkers, constantly barking at visitors at the door or at any other trigger.


What Age Do Puppies Start Growling?

After about six months of age, some puppies begin to show signs of fear and aggression. This implies that if a stranger approaches or tries to touch them, they might growl or snap.

When Do Puppies Start Walking?

Four weeks

Puppies start physically maturing as soon as their eyes open. They should be awake and making an effort to stand by the age of two weeks. By three weeks, they should be trying to climb out of their nest or whelping box. By four weeks, all the puppies should be able to walk, run, and play.

Do Puppies Bark More Than Older Dogs?

Barking – Barking usually only gets worse as your pup grows into adulthood. Dogs bark for a variety of reasons, including to attract attention, to pass the time, to express frustration, to sound the alarm, etc.