
How To Cook Crablets? – Some Useful Ways

Crispy Crablets are seasoned soft-shelled, small crabs, that are coated with a batter made out of cornstarch, garlic powder, pepper powder, all-purpose seasoning, salt, egg, and cooking oil and deep fried until crispy. These small crabs with soft shells can occasionally be found being raised in fish ponds in addition to river beds. A nice strong and slightly salty flavor of Crispy Crablets makes it a perfect pairing with white or garlic fried rice or a cold alcoholic beverage. Making this tasty dish at home only takes a few minutes.

What Are Crablets?

In comparison to their larger counterparts, crablets have a soft shell that is comparable in thickness to that of prawns. These characteristics make them ideal for frying because they are completely edible and will become even softer when cooked. In addition to being found in rice fields and along riverbanks, crablets are raised in fishponds. These soft-shelled crablets, a specialty of Iloilo, are cleaned and typically prepared as a fried dish that many people who have tried it adore. You won’t be able to stop yourself from eating more of this because it is so delicious!

Why do people love these Crispy Crablets?

Crabs are valued as pets, food, and a source of essential nutrients for humans. Scientists have discovered crabs to be straightforward and helpful creatures, claiming that they even live by the motto “love thy neighbor,” noting that some crabs who attempt to take over another crab’s burrow have a devoted neighbor who would help thwart the thief. They are able to learn from their mistakes and prevent making them again in the future because of their extreme adaptability.

Crabs are beneficial, being a nutrient-rich crustaceans. Being one of the earliest types of food consumed by coastal residents among other marine creatures found along the Eritrean coast Kids and adults can both digest crabs, which are a delectable source of protein. They contain omega-3 fatty acids in addition to being a healthy way to consume vitamins and minerals. Selenium, which is abundant in crabs, supports the body’s antioxidant defense system, prevents damage to cells and tissues, and aids in thyroid hormone metabolism. It also supports the immune system’s operation. The vitamin B2 riboflavin can also be found in crabs. These are consumed by a lot of athletes and bodybuilders as they also produce natural steroids that support growth, the production of red blood cells, and the maintenance of the nervous system, eyes, and skin. This is especially important for people who exert a lot of physical energy. Additionally, it contains the minerals copper and phosphorus that the body needs for the synthesis of red blood cells as well as for maintaining the health of the nerves, blood vessels, bones, and immune system.

Many people absolutely adore fried food. There aren’t many fried foods that aren’t delicious. The showpiece of your weekends might be these crispy crablets, which have a subtle natural sweetness and a nice flavorful crispy coating. A beaten egg will serve as a binder for the coating of cornstarch, all-purpose seasoning, salt, black pepper, and garlic powder. All you need to do is clean some fresh or frozen crablets, clean them with the shell and stomach removed and toss them in the egg. Before serving to friends and family, these will be deep-fried in a pot of hot oil for a few minutes, or until you get a nice golden brown color, and then removed from the pot to be strained on a kitchen towel or placed on a strainer to remove excess oil.

These crunchy crablets are a welcome change from regular crab and quick party food or “pulutan” pairing for beer to enjoy with friends.

Ways To Cook Crispy Crablets

Cooking Crispy crablets is typically an easy and straightforward process. Once the crablets have been floured or coated with whatever coating you prefer, all you need to do is deep fry them in hot oil until they are golden brown. But now more than ever, cooking is a cinch thanks to modern technology. We have a wide range of options when deciding which method will work best for us thanks to advancements and innovations in cookware.

We’ve provided a list of various preparation methods for this recipe so you can get inspired and get started. Check them out to see which method best suits your cooking style.


The preferred method for any cook is stovetop cooking. It is still readily available in every kitchen, is inexpensive, and is simple to use. You can use your cooking wits and senses; it doesn’t require any complicated buttons to function and doesn’t have an automated timer.

However, this tried-and-true kitchen apparatus has undergone a few innovations. The typical fuel or source of heat for this during its heyday was LPG, followed by electric powered. The induction type of stovetop cooker is the most recent advancement; it heats the pot or pan using the principle of heat transfer via electrical induction.

Any stovetop cooker will do, but since you’ll be deep-frying the crablets, make sure the pan or pot has enough room to hold about half a liter of oil. To get rid of the odor, marinate it in alcohol before coating it in seasoned flour.

For the best results when preparing this recipe, make sure your cooking oil is boiling to guarantee that the crablets will be cooked thoroughly.



Air-fryers are the culprit if there is one kitchen item that has been creating some noise lately. You can fry food with this piece of kitchen equipment without actually using a lot of oil. Because of this, those looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle prefer to use an air fryer.

The air-fryer functions as its name suggest frying using heated air that circulates inside the cookware. This cookware operates in the following manner: a heating mechanism is fixed to the cookware’s upper portion, and a fan circulates heated air throughout the fryer. Without the oil, this heated air functions exactly like a conventional fryer.

The next step is fairly easy: after the crablets have marinated, coat them evenly in the dredging flour. To prevent lumps in the finished product, shake off any extra flour. Add a thin layer of cooking oil or spray to the pan’s bottom after that. this is just to prevent it from sticking together.

To ensure even cooking, make sure to pre-heat the air fryer for about five minutes. After that, place the coated crablets in the frying tray and set the air fryer to cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

Other Delicious Variants And Recipes Of Crablets

It tastes good on its own, despite being a straightforward dish. However, Filipino cooks are genuinely inventive, so you can also try a variety of variations in your kitchen. Who knows, maybe you can even create your own Crispy Crablets variation.

Here are a few popular variations of this dish that might help you come up with starter menu ideas.

Buttered Crispy Crablets

Chefs like to add butter to sauces and steaks to give them a sheen and a fuller flavor because it adds decadence and savory flavor to any dish. Butter imparts a dairy flavor and aids in the tenderization of meats.

In this variation, adding butter to the ingredients gives the already delicious dish an additional layer of flavor. The procedure is essentially the same. Fry the crablets in deep fat for a golden brown finish after coating them in flour. Then, in a different pan, melt about three tablespoons of butter, and then stir in the garlic.

The crablets should be added to the garlic once it has begun to emit a scent. The crablets should be thoroughly coated in butter after three minutes of continued sautéing.

Spicy Garlic Crablets

With the addition of garlic, the spicy crablets become more flavorful. The steps are the same as those in the original recipe. Therefore, coat it, deep-fry it, and then set it aside to drain the extra oil.

Melt the butter in a different pan, and then add the minced garlic and chilies. Till the color of the garlic changes, continue sautéing. Throw the crablets into the glaze after that. Make sure the sauce is applied evenly to the crablets.

Crispy Crablets are an example of a simple dish that doesn’t have to be bland or unappealing. Simple recipes like this can be improved upon and made even better with a little bit of imagination and passion. And that is one of our objectives in providing you with the Crispy Crablet recipe.

Spicy Crablets

You want to eat more of a dish that is spicy because it piques your appetite. Additionally, rice pairs best with the spicy recipes found in Filipino cuisine. Some people even enjoy sipping beer or drinking alcohol while eating spicy finger foods.

Because of this, we also urge you to try the spicy version of the crunchy crablets for a more daring spin on this traditional appetizer. If you want a milder kick to your variation, all you need to do is mix some chili powder into the dredging flour.

However, you can saute the fried crablets with finely chopped red chilies in melted butter for a version that is spicier. The sauce becomes even hotter as a result of the chilies’ capsaicin being extracted.

For you to be able to duplicate, innovate, and eventually create your very own version of this straightforward but delicious dish. We also know that you are more than capable of preparing this seafood dish at home by this point. Happy cooking until we meet again!