
How Long Do Cockapoos Live?- Tell You The Answer

A cockapoo is a cute hybrid of a cocker spaniel and a poodle that combines the intelligence and sweetness of both breeds into one. These vivacious little dogs can live up to 16 years or longer with routine veterinary care, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

There are a few things you should think about before adopting a dog. You’re going to need to do some research on how to best care for them in addition to choosing the breed that is ideal for you and your family and will fit in well with your lifestyle. Remember, you want your pet to have the longest and healthiest life possible. pique your interest in the Cockapoo’s lifespan.

Although no one wants to consider the possibility that their dog won’t be around forever, it’s important to know how long your dog may live, what specific health problems they may face throughout their lives, and the adjustments you’ll need to make to their diet and routine as they mature from a puppy to an adult to a senior dog. Here, we’ll look at everything in relation to the adorable Cockapoo.

Cockapoo Size

The size of your dog is another factor that can affect a Cockapoo’s lifespan. Your Cockapoo will live longer in general if it is smaller. Compared to larger dogs, smaller dogs typically live longer.

How Long Do Cockapoos Live?

If you want a dog to be your new best friend, choosing the breed that will work best for your family can take some time, effort, and research. Do you prefer a lap pet who enjoys cuddling and staying up late with you to watch TV or a high-energy dog who loves taking two walks a day?

Cockapoo Life Expectancy

You might be wondering, “How long do Cockapoos live?” now that you know a little bit more about this breed. The typical Cockapoo’s lifespan is 12 to 15 years.

Fortunately for owners, Cockapoos live longer than average, with dogs typically living between 10 and 13 years. Even some studies have shown that Cockapoos can live for more than 20 years!

When asking a veterinarian, “How long can a Cockapoo survive?” The length of a Cockapoo’s life depends on a number of variables.

Your Cockapoo’s lifespan may be shortened if it has any underlying medical conditions, or health problems, or is heavier than is healthy. Your Cockapoo life expectancy can be extended with regular medical attention, a nutritious diet, and sufficient exercise.

Cockapoo Lifespan

Knowing the Cockapoo life stages is essential to comprehend what your dog needs at each stage of its development and how your Cockapoo village changes as they age.

In general, the Cockapoo stages are as follows:

  • Up to 18 months old – Puppyhood
  • From 6 to 18 months old – Adolescence
  • From 1 to 3 years old – Adulthood
  • From 6 to 10 years old – Seniority

The Cockapoo will start learning fundamental commands, like how to sit, stay, and go for a walk, during the puppyhood stage. They will also start to develop relationships with their owners and learn how to play and socialize with other dogs. Cockapoos may start to exhibit sudden personality changes during the adolescent stage, including aggression and fighting with other dogs.

When a Cockapoo enters adulthood, it has matured and relaxed more than it had in adolescence. The Cockapoo will exhibit its natural personality and behave more calmly around people and dogs during this time.

When the Cockapoo reaches the last stage, seniority, it is considered to be old. To ensure that their dog is content during this time and not confused, owners must make every effort to make them feel comfortable.

Cockapoo Health Issues

Health problems may shorten the lifespan of Cockapoos. The Cockapoo may develop serious health problems that could shorten its lifespan if it is not properly cared for or receives medical attention.

If you want to increase the lifespan of your Cockapoo, be aware of the typical health issues and consult a vet if you see any indications of ear infections, eye conditions, or hip or knee problems.

The ear, eye, hip, and knee problems are frequently observed in different dog breeds. Your Cockapoo’s life expectancy may be significantly shortened if these health issues are not addressed. As a dog age, owners must concentrate on keeping them physically and mentally healthy through medication, a nutritious diet, exercise, and checkups.

Owners must take their Cockapoo to the vet right away if they observe any symptoms of their dog’s condition worsening or developing into something more serious, such as vomiting, exhaustion, or limping. To prevent any health issues that could reduce your Cockapoo’s lifespan, it’s important to keep an eye out for physical and behavioral changes.


Cockapoo Facts

Learn more about the adaptability, friendliness, health requirements, trainability, and exercise level of the Cockapoo breed before getting one for yourself. Making wise choices regarding your Cockapoo’s care will be easier if you are aware of all of its characteristics.


A Cockapoo is one of the most adaptable dog breeds because it fits in well with apartment life, makes a good choice for new owners, and tolerates hot and cold weather fairly well. Owners should avoid leaving their Cockapoo alone for extended periods of time, which is the only thing to keep in mind.


Training cockapoos is not too difficult. They are highly intelligent and can be taught simple commands and tricks. However, Cockapoos have the potential to be mouthy and can bark excessively, which can be made worse by being left alone for extended periods of time.

Health Needs

The high maintenance requirements for the puppy as well as the health and grooming requirements are the only drawbacks of owning a Cockapoo. The potential for weight gain, excessive shedding, and drooling in cockapoos are all problems. To ensure they can provide the care this dog requires, prospective Cockapoo owners should be aware of the grooming requirements before purchasing.

Friendliness And Sociability

The Cockapoo is a very sociable breed that gets along well with the whole family, as well as with children, dogs, and strangers. Owners of cockapoos shouldn’t have any trouble taking their pups to the dog park!

Physical Needs

Given that this breed of dog is very playful and fun-loving, its physical requirements are manageable. Cockapoos can typically get a fair amount of their exercise through indoor play with their owner despite their moderate intensity and exercise needs, which may be difficult for some owners.

Cockapoo Care

You must make sure your Cockapoo receives the appropriate level of medical care and grooming in order for him to lead a full and happy life.

The basic Cockapoo care requirements are the same as for any other dog; to keep your pet healthy and content, pay attention to their feeding, grooming, and physical and psychological needs.

Cockapoos should be brushed frequently to prevent matting and clumping even though they are typically hypoallergenic, making them the ideal choice for owners with allergies to excessive amounts of hair.

Regular brushing can help your Cockapoo avoid any itchy fur or hair that might bother them.

Additionally, it’s essential to meet your Cockapoo’s nutritional needs if you want to prevent unneeded weight gain or undereating.

The nutritional requirements can be met by giving your pet high-quality food that is appropriate for their size, lifestyle, level of exercise, and age. For instance, Cockapoos typically require a lower-fat diet in their senior years than puppies do.

In terms of mental and psychological health, you should also make sure to maintain your Cockapoo’s happiness. If you abandon them for protracted periods of time, they might become unhappy, anxious, and antisocial. Be sure to consider how much mental and physical activity your Cockapoo needs to maintain good mental health.

Cockapoo Size

The size of your dog is another factor that could affect a Cockapoo’s lifespan. Your Cockapoo will typically live longer if it is smaller. Larger dogs typically live shorter lives than smaller dogs.

Because some Cockapoos are larger than others, they require a different diet and level of physical activity. Owners generally have a choice between the maxi, miniature, toy, and teacup toy Cockapoo sizes.

The size of Cockapoos is one of the main determinants of their longevity and lifespan. Cockapoos can age and grow at different rates, even though they all get bigger in size from puppyhood to senior level. Like other dogs, the Cockapoo can have a shorter lifespan than other sizes due to its larger stature.

Additionally, ancestry and genetics play a role in the Cockapoo’s lifespan and size. The Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle, which have different life spans, are the two dogs that make up the Cockapoo, so the traits of the two dogs may be mixed in the final product.

The average lifespan of a Cocker Spaniel is 13 to 15 years, whereas that of a Poodle is 12 to 15 years. Some Cockapoos can live as long as 20 years because both of these dogs have longer lifespans than most dogs, which can range from 5-8 years.

Cockapoo Life Stage

It can be challenging to keep track of the various life stages that your dog transitions through because many people continue to believe the antiquated notion that every canine year is equivalent to a human one. But being able to do this is essential to comprehend their requirements at each distinct stage of their lives. This should guide certain aspects of their care, such as the amount of exercise they receive and their diet, as well as their training and socialization.


From birth to 6 months, Cockapoos are considered to be puppies. They are currently learning everything there is to know about the world. Early, careful socialization is as essential to their well-being as the proper nutrients are for the rapid growth that will take place right now. During this period, your pet will gain at least half of its adult weight and about three-quarters of its adult height. Supporting this requires a puppy formula high in calcium and other important minerals. Teething issues will also be present here.


Up until the age of 3 years, Cockapoos are considered young adults. You’ll have changed their diet to an adult formula and increased their exercise schedule. While your Cocka may occasionally still behave like a puppy, they will generally be much calmer and more receptive to training at this point. There shouldn’t be too many health concerns on your mind right now. Aside from routine checkups, the primary cause of vet visits at the moment will be (hopefully) minor wounds sustained by dogs simply being the curious, active dogs they are.

After that, these pups can be thought of as regular adults until they are somewhere between 8 and 10 years of age (the bigger they are, the younger this will be). At this age, they become seniors and have progressively different needs. You will need to monitor their health more closely and watch for indications that they are deteriorating. Degenerative illnesses, joint pain, and other conditions will become more and more likely to affect them. You might want to increase the frequency of their vet visits along with switching to a senior diet.

How To Keep Cockapoos Healthy?

Ask for her parents’ medical histories when buying or adopting your cockapoo. You can use this to forecast the well-being of their progeny. Although cockapoos are not purebred dogs, the majority of reputable breeders who are listed on the registry of the American Cockapoo Club should have this information.

Common Cockapoo Health Problems

The larger gene pool that being a hybrid dog gives Cockapoos is advantageous. Numerous genetic disorders are consequently much less likely to manifest in purebred puppies. Additionally, if you buy your puppy from a reputable breeder, you can be sure they will run a number of tests to make sure it is in the best possible health from the start.

But not all problems are genetic, and not all illnesses are as predictable. Health issues may still arise in cockapoos, but the majority of these are usually very treatable if caught early enough. Setting up regular checkups with the vet for your pet is a wise decision in light of this. They can get to know your dog this way and be better equipped to recognize any changes in appearance or behavior that might point to a health issue. Common problems include:

  • Breeds with droopy and hairy ears, like Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, are more prone to ear disorders like bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Eye issues, such as progressive retinal atrophy, a degenerative condition that affects vision, and is frequently discovered in Cocker Spaniel lines.
  • digestive illnesses like gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), also referred to as bloat. Larger dogs like the Standard Poodle are typically affected by this.
  • In particular, for sensitive Poodles, skin conditions like allergies are among the most frequent causes of itching.
  • Hip dysplasia, which is the degeneration of the hip or elbow joint, and patellar luxation, a painful movement of the kneecap, is hip and knee defects that can affect both large and small breeds.

Take Care Of Any Health Problems

This is a topic that has already been covered a few times in this article, but it really needs to be reiterated. Your Cockapoo’s treatment is likely to be more successful the sooner your veterinarian is able to identify any health issues. This is why it’s so important to trust your instincts and take your babies to the doctor if you think anything may be wrong with them. It’s possible that you only observe minor behavioral changes rather than any specific symptoms. Always err on the side of caution.

Additionally, you should consult your veterinarian early on regarding any vaccinations or treatments that might be advantageous for your pet. Purchasing these early could help you avoid future financial and emotional hardship. They are also the best people to ask for advice on behavioral problems. For the treatment of issues like anxiety, they might be able to suggest supplements or drug alternatives. You’ll probably need to increase these visits as your dog begins to noticeably age because health issues become much more likely at this point.

Cockapoo Lifespan Compared To Larger Dogs

The lives of large dogs unravel more quickly. Smaller dogs, like the Cockapoo, typically live longer than larger dogs, despite studies being unable to determine why this is the case. For instance, the great Irish Wolf Hound only lives for about seven to ten years on average.

According to research, a miniature or toy Cockapoo may live longer than a Maxi or standard-size Cockapoo. Click here for more details on Cockapoo sizes.