can cats eat peaches

Can Cats Eat Peaches? How To Safely Feed Your Cat Peach?

The short answer is yes, but in Moderation. Still, there are some exceptions and things you should know before you feed peaches to your kitty pal, and as always, you must check with your vet first!

When Are Peaches Protective Of Cats?

Depending on which specific peach part you’re referring to, you can determine whether or not it’s safe for cats to eat peaches.

Avoid feeding your cat the peach skin to start with. Because it might have pesticides on it, that’s why.

The flesh is the part of a peach that a cat can safely eat next. Give your cat just a tiny bit of the juicy peach flesh, as is customary when feeding humans to pets. The best course of action is caution, and you should first double-check with your veterinarian.

The peach pit is the final stop. Do not let your cat come close to this. The pit is poisonous because it contains the cyanide compound amygdalin, which makes it both a potential choking hazard and a lethal substance. You should definitely not risk your cat consuming this.

How To Feed Your Cat Peaches Safely

can cats eat peaches

Your cat won’t eat a peach the way you might—you might sit down with a whole one and bite off the side.

Knowing what chemicals, pesticides, and other substances might be present in that fruit will be very difficult unless you grew the peaches in your own backyard. Despite the fact that our bodies are immune to these things, our cats’ delicate digestive systems can suffer much more from them.

Wash Them Thoroughly

You’re going to have to wash the peaches really well to make sure none of those pesticides are getting into your cat. Even though you may know they are free of pesticides and other chemicals because you grew them, it is still advisable to wash them thoroughly before giving them to your cat.

Peel The Skin

Before giving the peaches to your cat, you should wash them and remove the skin. Not only will this make it much simpler for them to eat, but it will also help prevent them from ingesting any harmful chemicals or pesticides on the fruit’s exterior.

Preserved Vs. Fresh Peaches

Even though peaches in a can are already peeled and sliced and are therefore very convenient, they are not a good option to give your cat as food. The additional additives in canned food can be terrible for your pet.

Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and other chemicals are widely used in canned food. These substances are harmful to us, but your cat is much more vulnerable to their effects because they lack an immune system and a digestive system that can process all the chemicals.

Since you are concerned about your cat, it is worthwhile to put in the extra effort to prepare the peaches yourself in order to prevent your cat from ingesting any harmful chemicals or additives.

Pit Out Of Luck

We avoid eating a peach or other stone fruit pits for a good reason. Although the flesh surrounding the seed may be tasty and sweet, the seed is actually packed with a chemical that, if consumed in large enough doses, can poison people and even result in death. Imagine the destruction it could wreak on your tiny cat if it can harm our robust bodies and immune systems.

Amygdalin is the name of that substance. We are all familiar with the poison cyanide, which is produced when amygdalin breaks down in the body.

For most people, it would take a lot of peach pits to get cyanide poisoning, but because your cat is so much smaller than you, it only takes a much smaller amount. It’s not worth the risk when one peach pit could prove to be fatal for your cat.

Your pets may experience issues from even small amounts of the seeds, such as irritation anywhere along the intestines, enteritis, or digestive tract issues. If you consume a lot of peaches, be sure to properly dispose of the pits so that your cat can’t possibly come across them.

can cats eat peaches

How About Peach Trees?

If you have a peach tree in your yard, you can eat this delectable fruit whenever you want. For your cats, however, this might present a health risk. Your cat might eat something inappropriate when those peaches fall from the tree and land within reach of them.

Amygdalin can poison your pet if it is chewed on, and it can even be found in peach stems and tree leaves.

If you have a peach tree and you have pets, make sure you clean up after them frequently to keep the deadly pits, stems, and leaves out of their reach.

Everything In Moderation

Cats may be open to trying a wide variety of foods, but that doesn’t mean their bodies are prepared to do so or that they will be able to do so without experiencing any difficulties. Even for a healthy cat, if it’s something new for their system (even if it’s non-toxic for cats), it could cause some problems like an upset stomach or even diarrhea and vomiting.

It’s best to give your cats treats and any new foods in moderation to prevent this. Let’s see how they respond to a small dose of it first. You can give them a little bit more the following time if they handle it well. This is a wise general guideline to follow when giving your cat new food, including cat food.

Symptoms Of Peach Poisoning In Cats

Cyanide is present in peach tree elements, which prevents tissues from oxygenating and causes severe toxic effects. Symptoms of poisoning from cyanide contained in leaves and stems of peach trees or in peach pits are:


  • Dehydration/loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Pain/Swollen abdomen

Nervous System

  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Depressed central nervous system functioning
  • Dilated pupils

Vital functions

  • Tremors
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Bright red gums and mucous membranes
  • Respiratory distress (coughing, hyperventilation, panting)
  • Lethargy/weakness

Causes Of Peach Poisoning In Cats

Peach stems, leaves, and seeds (pits, kernels) contain amygdalin, a sugar-cyanide substance. This can be converted into highly toxic cyanide by digestive enzymes. Wilting peach tree leaves are especially poisonous. Peach pits that are left lying around the house and are likely to end up as cat toys can break up and be ingested, posing a choking risk or cyanide toxicity risk. Additionally, oils made from peach pits or kernels are occasionally sold as natural remedies. If you apply this oil to your cat’s skin, it may be absorbed and result in a toxic reaction. Avoid using products made with toxic peach tree parts and make sure to properly dispose of peach pits so they do not end up endangering your cat.

Diagnosis Of Peach Poisoning In Cats

can cats eat peaches

A history of recent consumption or exposure to toxic peach plant parts and the presence of cyanide poisoning symptoms will be used to diagnose peach (cyanide) poisoning in your cat. To assess the level of toxicity and its impact on organs and organ systems, your veterinarian may request tests like blood and urine analyses.

Treatment Of Peach Poisoning In Cats

Vomiting can be induced if consumption was recent, but this method may not be suitable due to the possibility of obstruction from peach pit fragments. Supportive therapy is typically used as a form of treatment for toxic peach plant ingestion. In order to treat respiratory distress and dehydration, your veterinarian will administer intravenous fluids, oxygen therapy, and possibly some medications that can treat poisoning. For cats with peach poisoning, medications like hydroxylamine hydrochloride, dimethyl aminophenol, and amyl nitrite may be helpful.

Recovery Of Peach Poisoning In Cats

The prognosis for a cat with peach toxicity is unfortunately poor due to the extreme toxicity of peach tree compounds. The medications used to treat this kind of poisoning can also have negative side effects. There could be permanent organ damage. Your cat will probably require ongoing special dietary considerations, ongoing medication, and veterinary care to address organ damage if it survives peach compound poisoning.


Peaches are a delectable and naturally sweet treat for people. They can also be moderately fed to felines if safety measures are taken and done properly. To ensure that you don’t give your cat any chemicals or pesticides, make sure to thoroughly wash the peaches first.

Keep in mind that the peach pits are poisonous! The stems and leaves of the peach tree are also. Never allow your cat to eat the stems, leaves, or pits of a peach tree, and if you have one in your yard, make sure to keep the ground free of pits and peaches so your cats can’t unintentionally poison themselves!