Australian shepherds

Are Australian Shepherds Hypoallergenic? (Facts & Solutions)

The bad news is that Australian Shepherds are not hypoallergenic. However, there is some good news. If you have an aussie puppy or are moving in with someone who does, follow these steps to make it work.

What Are Dog Allergies?

A person with a dog allergy is not allergic to the dog’s hair. Instead, they have allergies to the dog’s proteins. Dogs naturally produce a variety of proteins. However, most allergy sufferers are only sensitive to one or two things.

Dog dander, saliva, urine, and hair all contain these proteins. Dogs that don’t shed may not leave behind hair, but they still produce the same amounts of saliva, dander, and urine. To put it another way, they still produce roughly the same levels of allergens as other dogs.

These proteins are generally safe to consume. However, in people with dog allergies, their immune system perceives them as foreign invaders. Therefore, the immune system responds to the “threat” of canine protein just like it would anything else. Histamine is released in order to accomplish this.

Instead of the dog’s protein acting maliciously, dog allergies actually cause symptoms because the immune system is reacting. For one reason or another, the immune system simply thinks that it needs to defend against the dog hair – even though it is harmless.

Runny noses, asthma attacks, sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, and even hives are among the symptoms that are frequently present. Typically, the worse your symptoms are, the more contact you have with the dog.

Some people don’t exhibit symptoms when they are around dogs for a brief period of time, but they do if they live with them frequently.

What About Hypoallergenic Dogs?

All canines produce proteins. All dogs will therefore trigger allergies. It was once thought that dogs who didn’t shed might spread allergens around less, making it easier for people with dog allergies to handle. However, it appears that this isn’t the case, as we have since learned. The dog’s saliva and dander continue to enter the house’s dust at the same rates.

Therefore, non-shedding dogs do not produce less allergens. A dog that is hypoallergenic won’t exist until it is born without skin and saliva. These dogs simply shed less, which has less of an impact on allergies in the long run.

As you can see, hypoallergenic dogs don’t exist — and really can’t exist.

None at all, Australian Shepherds are hypoallergenic. They also have moderate to heavy hair shed, so they aren’t regarded as non-shedding dogs either.

Are Australian Shepherds Bad for Allergies?

Australian Shepherds can cause allergic reactions in people because they are not hypoallergenic. Though you might assume otherwise, this is not the case.

This breed has long, double-coated fur, but contrary to popular belief, people are not allergic to it. In reality, dog dander—not dog fur—is what triggers allergies. As a result, allergy symptoms will still affect you even if you have a short-haired dog around the house.

It should be noted that a lot of people are allergic to dog urine and drool. In light of this, any exposure to it could result in the onset of the symptoms and a sickening sensation.

The Confusing Science Behind Dog Allergies

Sadly, there is some misunderstanding and contradictory data regarding allergies brought on by dogs. This is due to the fact that each person’s allergies and the things they are allergic to are unique.

For instance, some people only have allergies to particular dog breeds. Because of this, it’s possible that you have an allergy to Australian Shepherds but not to breeds like beagles. Of course, the opposite is also possible; you might not be allergic to other breeds but be to Australian Shepherds.

The fact that each dog produces a different set of proteins complicates matters further. You might therefore only be allergic to one dog while being fine around other dogs.

How can you tell if you have an allergy to Australian Shepherds as a breed or to a particular dog in such circumstances?

Well, the only way to confirm or disprove the possibility that you are allergic to a particular breed or dog is through trial and error. Consider the severity of your allergies before deciding whether to test this theory.

It is best to avoid risking an allergic reaction if you have had one in the past. You can try this out if your allergies aren’t too bad. However, it is best to always seek your doctor’s counsel and advice.

See also How to Stop Australian Shepherd from Digging

australian shepherds

Do Australian Shepherds Shed a Lot?

One of the reasons why people link allergies and fur is because the signs always seem to be brought on by more dog fur. This is due to the fact that fur and dander are both shed. Consequently, dander production increases as fur density does.

Furthermore, Australian Shepherds are regarded as moderate shedders. Some animals can shed frequently, leaving clumps of hair and fur behind each day. Additionally, these puppies will experience two seasons of shedding annually.

This generates a lot of dander, as you can probably guess.

Are Australian Shepherd Mixes Hypoallergenic?

Okay, so full-bred Australian Shepherds aren’t hypoallergenic, but what about a mixed breed?

The first thing you should know is that no dog is completely hypoallergenic. Some dogs may cause allergies less frequently or with milder symptoms. Many times, these aren’t particularly shedding dogs.

This category includes poodles, which are the best breed for allergy sufferers due to their low-shedding reputation. As a result, you might prefer an Australian Shepherd/poodle mix.

Of course, there is no assurance. You should test out this theory if you have allergies to Australian Shepherds or other dogs before you adopt one.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Hypoallergenic?

They are not hypoallergenic either, as mini Australian Shepherds still have skin and saliva. They also shed the same amount.

They might, however, produce fewer allergens because of their smaller size. Compared to their larger counterparts, they merely have less skin.

However, we wouldn’t advise people with dog allergies to get a miniature Australian Shepherd. However, you could probably adopt a female if your allergy is only to Can F 5.

How to Live With An Australian Shepherd With Allergies?

You might want to overcome your allergies in order to coexist with an Australian Shepherd. While some level of discomfort is to be expected, there are many things you can do to make life with your dog easier.

Here are a few things you can try:

Consult An Allergist

Antihistamines don’t have any negative side effects, so you can use them for a long time. The proper medication must be obtained for this problem, though.

You specifically need something that isn’t sedating because you need to take this medication every day. An allergist should be consulted to determine what will work best for you. They can direct your care so that your symptoms are essentially nonexistent.

Additionally, see Do Australian Shepherds Enjoy Cuddling?

Train Your Aussie

A good idea if you suffer from allergies is to teach your dog to avoid certain rooms, such as the bedroom. By doing this, you can keep certain areas of your home absolutely dander-free, ensuring your comfort there.

If you have a full-grown dog, be sure to block off any spaces you don’t want them to go inside. Additionally, using gates can help to prevent your dog from venturing into prohibited areas.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to teach your dog to stay away from furniture, especially couches and chairs that might collect a lot of furs. Create a special space with your dog’s own bedding and toys instead. They should be urged to settle down there.

Needless to say, you need to avoid this area.

Get Rid of Carpeting

Fur frequently gets caught in carpets. It can be challenging to completely remove all the fluff from the fabric, even with routine cleaning. You need to be concerned about more than just fur; carpets also collect a lot of dust and dirt.

As a result, it is a good idea to remove the carpeting and leave the floors bare. To avoid unnecessarily aggravating your allergies, this will be much simpler to maintain clean.

Keep carpets and rugs to a minimum in general as they can also attract dander. Make wearing fuzzy socks or slippers a habit to keep warm if you are concerned about cold floors.

Invest in High-Quality Air Purifier

There has never been a time when home air purifiers were more advanced. As a result, it is simple to locate purifiers that have been created to eliminate pet dander from the area. For the best results, make sure the device is of a medical grade and has a HEPA filter.

Make sure the air purifier is appropriate for the space it is in. This will make it more effective and aid in clearing up any pet dander that may be present.

One won’t be necessary for every room; only the ones that your pet uses frequently. Keep it running while your pet is inside, and you’ll undoubtedly feel much more at ease.

Visit How Often Should I Bathe My Australian Shepherd for more information.

Get a Good Vacuum Cleaner

You wouldn’t believe how much your vacuum cleaner can affect your allergies. Purchase a HEPA-filtered, high-quality vacuum cleaner. This ensures that the dander will be contained inside the vacuum and not spread throughout your house.

For the vacuum cleaner to operate as efficiently as possible, have the bag cleaned out frequently.

When you have allergies, vacuuming your house as frequently as you can help to reduce symptoms. Because of this, you ought to try it once every day. Only the room where your dog has spent the majority of its time needs to be cleaned; the rest of the house can wait.

Every day, you should vacuum the blankets and bedding you give your pet.

Brush Your Australian Shepherd Every Day

The majority of owners will only give their Australian Shepherds a once-weekly brushing, but this is insufficient. Your dog needs to be brushed once every day by someone. Even though they need to use a slicker brush every day, using an undercoat every other day or once a week can help to reduce shedding even more.

Pet your dog outside at all times. Likewise, avoid letting the fur fly. Instead, collect the furry clumps on the brush and place them inside a bag that is well-sealed. Toss this in the trash.

There are shedding seasons for Australian Shepherds, as was already mentioned. You will need to brush more aggressively during this time. Add a de-shedding brush to your regular brushing regimen if you’re doing this job alone.

Take your dog to a groomer during this time if you are having trouble keeping up with all the shedding. To remove the extra fur, they frequently have a variety of implements and tools. Furthermore, you won’t have to be exposed to the dander while this process is being done.

Even though Australian Shepherds may not be hypoallergenic, you don’t have to give up your best friend because of this. You can live happily ever after with your dog if you know a few tips and tricks. So be sure to try out these solutions. You won’t regret it.

Conclusions: Australian Shepherds are not Hypoallergenic

Australian Shepherds shed a lot. They don’t always produce an immune response for this reason, though. Dogs primarily trigger an immune response in people with dog allergies because of the proteins found in their skin, saliva, and urine. Because of this, regardless of whether they shed or not, all dogs produce an immune response.

The proteins that cause allergies in people with dog allergies are produced by a dog’s skin and saliva!

But unlike male Australian Shepherds, female Australian Shepherds do not produce the Can f 5 protein, which is the root of many people’s allergies. As a result, if your allergy is to the protein Can f 5, you might be able to adopt a female Australian Shepherd.

It is true that Australian Shepherds shed a lot and need a lot of grooming. Before making the decision to adopt one of these dogs, we advise making sure you have enough time to meet these grooming requirements.